The management of Apen Group and control over the accounting administration are exercised through a traditional corporate governance system which includes a Board of Directors, a Board of Statutory Auditors and a Shareholders Meeting.

Here the main and additional governance tools adopted:

  • the Apen Group Articles of Association which, in addition to describing the activity carried out by the company, includes various provisions regarding corporate governance, such as the functioning of the Assembly and the Board of Directors
  • the delegations/powers of attorney approved by the Board of Directors
  • the Code of Ethics
  • the organizational chart and company procedures which briefly describe the functions, responsibilities and hierarchical relationships within the Company
  • the identification of the employer with the broadest powers and financial autonomy
  • a quality management system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard contained in a specific manual always available for consultation, dissemination and present in the company
  • company documentation relating to the workplace health and safety management system.

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