Car Repair Shops and Auto Body Shops
Food Service and Hospitality Sectors
Greenhouses and Farms
Gyms and Swimming Pools
Industrial Facilities and Factories
Large Environments
Offices and Laboratories
Places of Worship
Showrooms and Exhibition Halls
Sport Arenas, Tennis and Padel Courts
Storage Warehouses and Logistics Facilities
Supermarkets and Shops
Woodworking Shops and Tanneries

Heating Units

Modular condensing direct exchange heating units with standard inverters.
The product’s modularity allows for individual modules to be coupled in order to increase their potential. Compact and easy to install.
In addition to these design features, the basic modular heating units can also be integrated with specific accessories, including filters, silencers, regulation dampers, supply and return fire dampers, rain dampers, mixing boxes, anti-vibration joints, and temperature probes.
Ideal for heating large industrial and retail environments, greenhouses, farms, and places of worship.